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The inauguration of The New Embassy of Turkey will take place on Wednesday, April 24 at 20:00 at DAS Graduate School, followed by the four lectures with speakers from Turkey, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.


20:00 - 20:30  DAS Theatre doors open
20:30 - 20:40
  Entering The New Embassy of Turkey and welcome
20:40 - 22:00

(Self) Care as Form of Resistance by Barbara Raes
The Bill of Indictment against Gezi Park Portests as the Destruction of the World and the Redemptive Potential of Art

by Gurur Ertem
DISTORTION by Mazlum Nergis
Politics of Boredom by Aylin Kuryel

22:00 - 22: 15  Break
22:15 - 22:45   Discussion moderated by
Tan Tunali & Aylin Kuryel
22:40 - 00:00  Reception
00:00 - 08:00  Mo(nu)ment


Ongoing installations:
Rain Reign, Eylül F. Akıncı & Ata Güner - multichannel sound installation, 4h loop
Flag to Dissolve, Mai Marie Choon Dijksma - textile art installation, 12h


The New Embassy of Turkey invited journalist Tan Tunalı & theatre scholar Pieter Verstraete as writers in residence to reflect on the proceedings of the event. From midnight onward The New Embassy of Turkey transforms into a ritualistic installation with the absence of bodies until Thursday morning, April 25, 08:00.

Location: DAS Graduate School, Overhoeksplein 2 (2nd floor),
1031 KS Amsterdam, the Netherlands

(Self) Care as Form of Resistance

by Barbara Raes



by Mazlum Nergis


Light Installation

by Grischa Runge



Sound Installation:  Rain Reign

by Ata Güner

The Bill of Indictment against Gezi Park Protests as the Destruction of the World and the Redemptive Potential of Art

by Gurur Ertem


Politics of Boredom

by Aylin Kuryel


Sound Installation:  Rain Reign

by Eylül F. Akıncı



Flag to Dissolve

by Mai Marie Choon Dijksma

Visual Language

Nadine Rotem-Stibbe


Tan Tunali



Food Artist

Maureen de Jong

Pieter Verstraete

About The New Embassy of Turkey

The New Embassy of Turkey is a performative curatorial project that consists of lectures, rituals, and installations. It is an artistic and political response to the radical transitions that are happening today within Turkey and globally. The New Embassy of Turkey wishes to open up space for collective imagination where we envision and exercise alternative futures for the Turkey of tomorrow. It aims to be a refuge for political outsiders, for individuals that are no longer represented, and for anyone who wants to take a break in a rapidly changing world.


The New Embassy is intended to operate on the boundary between the act and the potency, the symbolic and the real, the ritualistic and the contingent. It enables encounters between the participants and artists, academics, and activists to collectively build our own embassy and take time to restructure the future.


The New Embassy of Turkey has been developed as Melih Gençboyacı’s research project in Extended Curation Master’s Program at DAS Theatre. During his curatorial studies he focused on the notion of “embodied resistance” at the intersection of art, politics, and spirituality. He is interested in the relationship between the ritual practices and the political identifications, and experiments with creating contexts for their entanglement .

Thank you: Barbara van Lindt, Lara Staal, Alessandra Saviotti, Hans Christiaan Klaesema. Special thanks to DAS Theatre educational platform, peers and staff for their generous support

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